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Mother’s health risks in extreme age pregnancies

D. Stan, D.C. Mazilu, C.E. Dobre, E. Brătilă

Rezumat: Introduction. Pathologies associated with pregnancy at extreme ages have potential significant clinical implications for both maternal and fetal health. Identifying the most common pathologies associated with pregnancy at extreme ages is a first step in the development and adaptation of protocols for health management given by midwives and nurses to patients in the prenatal, intrapartum and postpartum periods, according to the main risk factors related to age. Materials and method. The objective of the study was to evaluate a group of 186 pregnant patients who were hospitalized for childbirth in the “Prof. Dr. Panait Sîrbu” Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bucharest, within 12 months. The main objective of the study was to identify the main pathologies associated with pregnancy at extreme ages. All pregnant patients of 19 years old or younger and of 39 years of age or older at the time of admission were included in the analysis. During the study, a quantitative research method was developed that evaluated several aspects, thus outlining the medical profile of patients. Results. Age comparative analysis of the data regarding the associated pathologies revealed that the prevalence of diabetes and hypertension was significantly higher among pregnant women in the second age group (39 years or older), while the scarred uterus had a higher frequency in pregnant women in the up to 19 years old group. The results of the study also indicate a higher frequency of missed pregnancies and intrauterine growth restrictions of fetuses in the patients group aged 39 years and older. Conclusions. The results of the study suggest the need for distinct approaches of healthcare for the two categories, taking into account the main issues identified. In the case of patients up to 19 years old, most of them at their first pregnancy but with fewer pathological implications, the healthcare management must include a stronger educational component (given the lack of experience in raising and caring for the newborn), while for the group of at least 39 years old, specific interventions are needed to focus on improving the knowledge, attitudes and practices of midwives and nurses regarding the prevention and provision of healthcare to patients at risk of developing pregnancy-related pathologies. Implementing healthcare education programs among adolescents can be helpful in ensuring a proper planning and in preventing unwanted pregnancies.
Cuvinte cheie: midwives, nurses, health care, elderly pregnancy, pregnant teenagers.

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