<- Home <- Arhive <- Anul 5, Nr. 18, December 2017


Could bilateral salpingectomy reduce the risk of ovarian cancer?

N. Gică, R. Botezatu, G. Iancu, G. Peltecu, A.M. Panaitescu

Rezumat: Background. Epithelial ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer mortality among women. There is no effective screening for ovarian cancer in the current practice that could decrease its mortality. There is a large volume of scientific proofs that prophylactic salpingectomy could give the clinicians the opportunity to prevent the development of ovarian cancer. The goal of our paper is to sensitize the gynecologic community and then to study in a prospective national trial the potential use of prophylactic bilateral salpingectomy as a primary preventive strategy of the ovarian cancer. Objective. Currently, we have no prospective evidence in order to analyze the effectiveness of prophylactic bilateral salpingectomy in preventing ovarian cancer. Through this article, we intend to launch an invitation to all Romanian gynecologic surgery centers, to participate in a prospective study evaluating the effectiveness of bilateral salpingectomy in the prevention of ovarian cancer. Materials and method. There is no strong evidence regarding the effectiveness of bilateral salpingectomy in the prevention of ovarian cancer and this is the first multicenter, prospective trial in order to study this hypothesis. Using this journal and other media channels of the Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, we want to invite national centers of obstetrics and gynecology to attend to our study. All the centers need their ethical committee approval before starting patients’ enrollment and a peculiar informed consent adapted to this study. The deadline for the approval is 1st of May 2018.The patients will be consecutively selected from a general population who undergo a surgical procedure during which the fallopian tubes could be removed in addition to the primary surgical procedure. All data needed regarding the patient and the procedure will be collected in an online document and kept into the database of the department. The enrollment period will be from 1st of June 2018 till May 30th 2021. Outcomes. Before 1st of August 2021 all the data must be collected and prepared for publication. The effectiveness of bilateral salpingectomy in the prevention of ovarian cancer will be evaluated according to multiple variables.
Cuvinte cheie: bilateral salpingectomy, ovarian cancer, ovarian cancer prevention.

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